My Favorite Superhero

Every time I go and visit a class or a school, there are few guaranteed questions I will receive.   The only one that is hard for me to answer is probably the one that seems easiest on the surface. 

What is the question??




That’s a tough one right?


Sure, I could just throw out a name.  I really like Batman, but that starts the  “is batman really a superhero?” debate.  Are we talking about favorite in general? In movies? In the comic books?  Its just way too difficult to properly answer in the allotted time. 


For example, when I was a kid and I actually read comic books and voraciously watched The Super Friends, my favorite here was The Green Lantern:

He was funny and cool and had a wildly creative power with the ring thing. 


But then, the story got weird and there was a Green Lantern Corps and all these alien guys and Hal Jordan was replaced.  I just couldn’t keep up with it. 


I battled through the Batman movies, the Spider-Man movies and anything else superhero I came across.  They were all great, but nothing I truly loved…until the last scene of the first of these movies:

“I am Iron Man” changed the game for me.   I was team Tony all the way.  New spin, new excitement, the promise of a whole world of Marvel superheroes not named Spider-Man or X-Men, was just too exciting. 


But alas, this cat showed up…

Another game changer.  Now superheroes are laugh out loud funny!  Yes please!


So I guess that’s a small look at my favorites, but then one remembers I write my own superhero characters.  They’re like practically my own children.  Of course I like them too!


I love the Bathroom Manager.  Also Fa Fa Floo Fly, Belcher, Marvelous Maid, The Comfort Crusader, how can I choose just one?


Its quite simple.  I can’t.  I simply love superheroes.


I guess that’s that.

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