My Pity Party – You’re Invited!!!

I’m about to complain a bit. 


I start this way as a disclaimer.  If you don’t want to read about the trials and tribulations of a 40 year-old straight white man with his own business who also writes novels, please feel free to stop reading immediately.


But if your mildly interested…


Why don’t people like me?  I don’t mean in the traditional forms of like.  I think the people I meet find me quite pleasant for the most part.  I mean in terms of dumb social media.


I can’t figure it out.  Yesterday I posted a fun video of a super villain I drew.  It was like 10 seconds long, not annoying at all.  You can see it in my last blog.


Here’s whats sort of bizarre.



Notice my “like” situation.  Three likes in nearly 24 hours.  I’m not suggesting the little video was any kind of award winning, but I think it should be worth a click of a thumbs up button.  I’m not exaggerating when I say if my wife sneezes on Facebook she instantly has 55 likes, if some snot or spittle hits the camera adorably, its a solid 100 likes within minutes. 



That’s just for the post though.  I have sold almost 1200 books.  That means 1200 people have decided it is worth actual currency to take a look at a bunch of words I put together.  My page on Facebook though???  329 Likes.  That means nearly 83% of those who have purchased my book with money, don’t think its worth hitting a button on the internet.  Maybe its not weird…it feels weird.  Its even worse on these guys…



I can’t buy a like on Twitter (well I could most likely purchase some likes, its a figure of speech).  Instagram gets me a few random likes based on hashtags but nary a follower. 

What am I doing wrong?  I know there are people who could tell me in great detail.


In the meantime, I will happily create content no one likes.  I’m like the literary social media version of the last five Adam Sandler comedies.

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